ADSL Problems? Know the reasons behind it


ADSL Problems? Know the reasons behind it

ADSL, known for an asymmetric digital subscriber line, is a type of broadband communication technology which is used for connecting the internet. Compared to old fashioned modem lines, the ADSL allows more data to be sent over telephone lines. It requires a special ADSL modem and subscribers must be in a close location to the provider central office to receive ADSL service.

If you are willing to get ADSL line, make sure of the major problems you may face.

The common ADSL problems and the way to identify faults along with possible solutions are listed below.

No Synchronisation

If your router cannot synchronise as indicated by the blinking green ADSL light, it indicates whether;

ADSL is no active.
Filters installed incorrectly.
The problem with the local line.

Dropped connections

Some of the few things with these problems and are;

ISP Problems: Check the ISP Service status records as they are doing any load balancing or not.
USB Modem: It is not an uncommon problem, but generally arises with particularly older PCs and unpowered sub-hubs.
Low SNR Problems: Low SNR problems generate when you are on a long line and are at a rate adaptive up to 8 Mb type connections.
Noise on telephone line

The cracking noises on telephone line are an indication of use of filters which are fitted wrongly and for such problem make sure of the following things.

If you have installed all filters in the appropriate manner or not.
And need to check that each of your telephone devices has connected to the filter correctly.
Don’t forget to filter fit for fax machines and sky boxes too.
Drop out of ADSL
If the splitter/filter connected is not in proper manner.
The fault on filters.
Some problems on the telephone line.
Disconnection of ADSL when your phone rings
Make sure of the filters condition and wiring.
Limits the noise on the telephone line by doing a quiet line test.
External factors like water and the damage on the cables disconnects the telephone line.
Very high amount of resistance on the telephone line cause by worn cable and damaged on joint. Make sure of the condition of the cable wire and the joints.
Lost your connection frequently

This type of problem is not a common but is a very rare case. However, many users do face such problem when they recently had upgraded to higher bit rate (E.g. 1Mbps to 2 Mbps) and upgrade to higher speeds. The upgrade of higher speeds results in their connections regularly drops, mainly in the time of the evening.

Viewing problem for some websites

This type of problem normally hampered Microsoft, eBay and Hotmail sites.

Set your Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) to a lower figure.
Do a TRACERT (Trace Route) to make sure as if there are some problems with routing or not.
Absence of Dial Tone

Our Telephone lines have two cable wires: Power and Earth wire. If there are any problems with the circuit, then the dial tone do not work.

If there is discontinuing of the cable wires then identified by no capacitance reading.
Check as if all your telephones are hung up or not. Make sure the correct performance of all your cordless phones and message answering machine with AC adapters. Unplug all of them and check if dial tone has been restored or not. Check for all the outlets to make sure of the line cord secure placement.
Noisy Line

ADSL share line with telephones and it uses the different frequency. Two ways to reduce noise introduced by telephones are:

Set up the splitter at each phone to reduce noise.
Connect the splitter at a point where telephone line enters your house.

Other possible causes are:

Earth Contact: The phone line is passing through to the ground and is may caused by rubbing of the cable by the tree branch.
Rectified Loop
Battery Contact: If the phone line is in the contact with another phone line and this could results in worn isolation.

The line attenuation figure describes the range between you and the exchange of the ADSL provider. The attenuation results in slow internet speed. The line attenuation figure is expressed in dBs and you can check on your ADSL statistics of your home. As we all know the slow internet speed of our ADSL line is directly affected by line attenuation, unluckily, we can’t do anything for low attenuation figure except moving to new location.

The increment in line attenuation arises due to faulty in internal wiring caused by erosion on a joint.
If the phone line attenuation is greater than assumed, a radio frequency (RF) filter could be a better choice.
You must have a router which should be suitable to manage low signal to noise ratio margin figures.
Install better quality ADSL filter to your router and to each of your telephone device connected to the same phone line.
Poor and low-quality telephone cabling can introduce noise to the line. Check properly if you have a problem with in-building cabling, or just can eliminate your problem by connecting with the new modem.
Connect with another ADSL provider, as some of the providers are less crowded than others.
Universal Serial Bus (USB) Modem

USB Modems problem arises when users have the ADSL connection with their older PCs.